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The Flourishing Center Podcast- Life Hacks, Science and How People Put Positive Psychology into Practice

Sep 13, 2019


Flourishing Friday (FF)-Welcome to Flourishing Fridays (FF), where every Friday we bring you a Positive Psychology-based life hack that will help you to flourish.  In these episodes we look at real life application of Positive Psychology, while giving you tips and strategies to put Positive Psychology into use in all areas of your life. 

Productivity doesn’t happen by accident. Accomplishing all the things you need and want to do requires forethought and planning, along with a continuous supply of motivation and focus. Do you ever think how amazing it would be to do everything you set out to do each day and do it with ease and grace? However, we often face a mountain of work, situations and feel a sense of overwhelmed as the demands of the day make us feel defeated. 

Take charge of your time and energy, and learn what to focus on and what to let go. In this episode Emiliya shares with us her personal secrets that contribute to her success. She shed’s some light on what helps her shift gears with grace and ease. How effectively do you shift from one thing to another? Think about the last time you were all over the place, full of a free floating anxiety, bouncing from one task to another, reacting to people and situations emotionally.  

Emiliya answers the questions How do I get back to my center? How do I ground myself? Staying grounded requires daily attention and effort.Asking yourself “What do I see, hear, taste, smell, touch?” to ground and center your being. Being centered in order to shift gears effectively. Emiliya says, “When I’m centered it’s easier to respond to people, to catch the nuances of their attention, and to let inspiration flow through me.” She also emphasizes the importance of Mindfulness and how it also improves our productivity and allows us to shift gears with grace by helping us produce better work.

For Full show notes & more information on what we have to offer, 

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